Friday, January 21, 2011

Week 14 Weigh in

Another week has flown by. I really can't believe how fast Fridays come now. It was a great week! Alot has happened this week other than weight loss, but lets start with that first.

I lost 2.6 pounds this week and that brings me to 265.4. I am .4 pounds away from losing an even 25 lbs., I finally came off that plateau I had been stuck on for the last couple of weeks. I think the new running training program has alot to do with finally starting to see some weight loss.

I have run approx 6 miles this week and threw a few hours of full court basketball in there for good measure. I am hoping to kick my mileage up to 9 miles next week. I am going to run a timed 5k tomorrow. I need to get a baseline set so I can so how much I have improved. I am always looking to be able to measure my progress.

I am also closing a significant chapter in my life this week. I have officially left Chase bank. I spent over 5 years with Chase/WaMu and had some really good times there, but in the end is was becoming more about numbers and less about people. I was really fortunate and blessed to be able to find a great new job with a great company. Im really looking forward to being able to grow and learn with this new challenge.

Til next week!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Jeff! Good luck on your 5K tomorrow. I ran my first one 4 years ago with our former dog for the Humane Society. Also good luck with your career change. Hello to Jamie and kids!
