Friday, January 7, 2011

01/07/2011 Week 12 Weigh in

This was a crazy week. I went back to work on Monday after having 2 weeks off and my parents left to go back home on Thursday morning. So it was back to my daily routine. I hadn't been drinking much water on my vacation, so I had to start that back up again. I am consuming anywhere between 100-120 ounces a day. So needless to say, my body had some adjusting to do this week. I got on the scale this morning and came in at 268.8, which is a .4 gain from last week. I am not really to disappointed or surprised considering I had taken New Years weekend off and have been drinking about a gallon of water a day since Monday. I am really hoping that I will be able to get back into my routine and start seeing some weight loss again. The holidays were tough, but I survived them. I started my vacation at 268.0 and only gained .8 lbs.

It's official. I have started my marathon training and have already scheduled my first few races. I will be racing the "Hope for the cure 5k" in Winder in March 19th. My training program starts tomorrow and in 8 weeks I should be able to run 3 miles, without walking. Lol! I have my second race April 9th, also a 5k. This one is called "Run Zulu" and all the proceeds go to help get township kids in South Africa shoes, and a running track. This is going to be a special one for me as I used to live and work in the townships of South Africa. I am trying to get ready to run a half marathon with my sister and brother in law in Utah in September. Its called "Top of Utah". I am really excited to start running (see photos of my new running shoes below) and hope that I can become a "runner" in time. If any of you have any tips, or tricks for running I would love to hear them. Leave your tips in the "comments" section below.

Til  next week!

1 comment:

  1. That's so cool that you are starting to run! I signed up for the SLC half marathon on April 16th! If it doesn't kill me, maybe I'll sign hp you are gonna do too. :-) Good luck with it Jeff!
