Friday, August 26, 2011

08/26/2011 Week 45 It's starting to get a little crazy up in here!

Its been a while since I have had 2 good weigh in's in a row. So I am very excited with the past two weeks, and more so with this week. Its was a big one. I haven't had one of those in a while, so again, pardon the excitement.

I have been very dedicated to my lifting and have been in the gym every morning M-F for the past two weeks. No skipping, dogging it, or sleeping in. I'm getting in, getting focused and getting it done. There is almost no better feeling than walking out of the gym knowing you gave everything you had. It very addicting to say the least. I have to give another big thanks to my boy Brian "Big Papa Pump" Boykin for joining me every morning and helping me to make this happen. I know your reading this... I appreciate all you do brother!

I was looking online at for supplements and came across a 12 week body transformation competition being sponsored by MusclePharm called "Live Shredded". It was free to enter and the winner gets 10 grand, so I figured what the heck. I had a friend take my front, side, and back photo's (Thank you again Angela!) I submitted my entry and photos and now have the next 12 weeks to see how much I can change my body shape and try to win 10k. Will I win, who knows, but its worth a shot and it is always nice to have something to keep me motivated, besides, I love the competition. On to the numbers...

I started the week at 223.0 and was coming off a 2.5lb week, I thought there was no way I was going to have another good week. I got on the scale and was 220.0. I lost 3 pounds this week and it brings me to an even 70 pounds down! That's an average loss of 1.55lbs a week. I am now 30 pounds away from my goal of 100 pounds lost and 20 pounds away from cracking the 200 mark on the scale.

Another week down and another begins! Til next week remember this: "Work will win, when wishing wont."

Friday, August 19, 2011

08/19/2011 Week 44 ...and its about time!

What can I say... This week was as good as last week was bad. What a difference a week makes! I was determined, focused, didn't cheat and worked my tail off in the gym. I went back to a straight calorie count but still trying to eat every 3 hours. I really like the fact that I can cycle between calories and carb cycling. It really has helped in keeping my diet fresh and keeping my body guessing. I also did my 60 day measurements, and while I will keep most of them private I am happy to report that I dropped 3.5% body fat in the last 30 days, and have dropped 4.5% in the last 60 days since I started strength training.

Here is a breakdown of the last 60 days. I have lost 8lbs of body weight while losing 4.5% of my body fat. Based on the LBM (Lean Body Mass) calculator I increased my lean mass from 161 lbs to 167 lbs while dropping my total body weight from 231 to 223. So that a gain of 6 lbs of muscle and a loss of 8 lbs of body weight for a total net change of 14 pounds! In the last 60 days I was able to gain on average of .75 lbs of muscle a week. Most experts say that it is impossible to gain more than 1 lbs a week of muscle unless your on the juice, so I am very pleased with my results. As I mentioned in an earlier post, I don't want the scale to be the only indicator of my success. The numbers speak for themselves, so while I may have only "lost" 8 pounds in the past 2 months I have reshaped my body and gained muscle and strength. In the word of Charlie Sheen... Winning!

On to the numbers on the scale. I started the week at 225.5 and had gained a pound the previous week. So I was ready to see a loss. I was 223.0 this morning and have a loss of 2.5 lbs this week. That's a total of 67 lbs lost and it puts me 33 pounds from my goal and 23 pounds from breaking the 200's and getting into One-derland. Based on the previous 2 months of training and the numbers I am seeing I guess it could take a little time to get there. I have 8 more weeks til I hit my year mark and although I will not see 100 lbs lost I think getting to 210-215 would be great and give me a loss if 75-80 pounds this year. If I hadn't started putting muscle on I may have been able to get closer to my goal, but I am very pleased with my progress and weight loss.

Til next week, get out there, get active, and keep it moving. If your thinking about changing your life and getting into shape. Don't wait til Monday, start today!

Saturday, August 13, 2011

08/13/2011 Week 43 Not the best week I have ever had...

Week 43 is here regardless of whether I want it to be or not. I guess my post is a little late for the week. I have been making excuses about writing it. You know I have been busy and didn't have time, etc, etc, etc. In truth, I just had a terrible week on the scale. I guess the silver lining is I had a great week in the gym and had some killer workouts.

So my weekend of fun ended in a nightmare. It wasn't that I ate crazy amounts of terrible food, but I didn't drink any water, drank too much diet soda and ate way to many salty snacks. I picked up a serious amount of water weight. I got on the scale on Monday morning and weighed in at 231.8, over 7 pounds from my Friday weigh in. Obviously there is no way I gained real weight. I got back onto plan and started drinking water and had gotten back down to 225.0 by Thursday morning. I was feeling confident I would be able to get back to my weight of 224.5. Then I went to the PGA championships and did not stick to plan. Needless to say I was still at 225.5 as of Friday morning. I gained 1 pound for the week. That puts me at 65 lbs lost and still needing 35 pounds to go to hit the 100 mark. As I said, the silver lining was I had some great gym sessions. I am really loving my workouts and loving the results. I am going to be very diligent in week 44 and will stick to plan as best as I can. No sneaks, no treats and no letting up. Lets see if we can get some results on the scale this week. Wish me luck!

Saturday, August 6, 2011

08/06/2011 Week 42 Stay the path...

Another week has come and gone. I wish I had more to report on this week but it has been much of the same. Eating right, waking up early and working hard, going to the Y in the evenings and working out again. I am enjoying my routine, but there isn't a lot of excitement with it.

Last week I started a carb cycle program and had moderate success. I was able to move the scale, and was hoping to continue the same this week. I didn't have as good a week as I had hoped, but there was a loss. I started the week at 225.5. I weighed in at 224.5 this week, it was a loss of 1 pound. That brings my total to 65.5 lost.

I haven't been burning up the scale as of late and have decided to take the weekend off. I will let myself relax, no calorie counting, no carb cycling, just relaxing. I need to give my brain and body a few days off. I will get back to plan on Monday and refocus my efforts. Here's hoping to a big number on week 43!

Til next week...