Friday, June 24, 2011

06/24/2011 Week 36 This cant be right... There is no explanation!

Alright guys its been another week of brutal morning workouts and evening runs and rides! I am feeling good and more importantly there is NO knee pain. My brother in law is a Chiropractor and he mentioned a few months ago that it may be tendinitis and I needed to stop activity and ice it. Well I did what he said and the pain is gone. I have also lost almost 40 pounds since the injury so I think the rest, ice and weight loss have all contributed to the health of my knee. I need to make sure I don't go too hard to0 early to make sure that it stays that way. I still regularly ice my knees after runs as a precaution, so I am hoping I am in the clear.

I managed to get several training runs in this week and had my first training bike ride. I was really excited to run my fastest mile since I have been training. I then followed the next mile up with another mile under 12:00 minutes! I am really hoping to get my average down to about 9 minutes before the Tri. I have managed to run about 6 miles so far this week,  biked 5.5 miles, and swam 1500 meters. I have another ride this afternoon and will probably try to stretch that one out to about 10 miles. I am also running a trial 5k tomorrow morning to establish a baseline time to work against. So for the week I will be over 24 miles of total distance! On to the numbers!!!

So now that I have got the good news out of the way, here is the bad. After all that I did this week. 3 days of lifting and almost 12 miles covered, I lost a whole .6 pounds! That's right, I basically lost nothing this week. Last week 230, current weight 229.4. Total lost 60.6 pounds. I cant explain it. I have been diligent with my diet and have been keeping under my calorie counts every day. I also have been using my low carb, low sugar protein after workouts. I know I have been getting at least 500-1000 calories a day of deficit. That should equate to 1-2.5 pounds of weight loss. I have heard that the first couple of weeks of a weight training program that you may gain weight as you develop more muscle which is heavier than fat. I am not sure how much I buy into that, but I will just keep doing my thing and increasing my miles. Eventually it will have to come off, right????

So I am seriously considering changing my Tri to a Dual. Instead of swimming you run, then bike, then run. I haven't fully decided that yet and will still try to keep my swim sessions. I just don't know how excited I am to swim in a pack and get kicked and or elbowed. I also think I may be slightly allergic to chlorine. I feel sick, my head hurts and I get all congested after swimming in the pool at the Y. I definitely don't want to keep swimming if it makes me feel ill.

Til next week guys, keep on moving!

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