Friday, March 11, 2011

03/11/2011 Week 21 Weigh In, and another mile marker passed!

Another Friday is upon us! Another week of weight loss and another week closer to my goal weight!

The big one challenge came and went and we were defeated by the 30" Pizza! I am happy to say that even after eating 12 peices of triple pepperoni pizza I lost weight this week. It is kinda nice to know that you can really endulge every once in a while and it wont erase all of the hard work you put in.

So, the weigh in... This was my scheduled week to get to 250. I was 252.4 last week. I lost 1.8 pounds this week to get to 250.6 I hit my scheduled goal! I am still a .9 pounds under my 52 week pace, so I will have to hope for a good week to make up the difference and get on pace. I have now lost 39.4 pounds and should hit the 40 pound mark next weigh in. I am creeping up on the 50% mark and should hopefully hit 50 in a month. I did a little shopping today and to my surprise I have dropped 2 pant sizes. See ya later big and tall section, this kid can get "normal" clothes now!

I have decided to try a little experiment with my diet plan. I am always searching for ways to mix it up and keep my body guessing. I don't want to get into a diet rut and hit a plateau. I have downloaded the app for calorie counts and the amount of calories I need to eat everyday to lose 2 pounds a week. Its super easy and I can input it in my phone as soon as I eat it or look it up before it goes in my mouth! I am going to keep eating the whole grains foods, fruits, and vegetables, but I will only be worried about daily calories. I get a little over 1900 for the day. I am very curious to see what results I get compared to going low carb and volumetrics. In the 5 weeks I did volumetrics I lost 12 pounds, so I will use the next 5 weeks to see how many I lose going strictly on calories from I will keep you all posted and give an analysis when the 5 weeks are up. I will most likely choose the plan I like better after the 5 weeks and go with it the rest of the year. How exciting. I love mixing it up. It helps keep it fresh and it also keeps me learning and researching more.

1 comment:

  1. I gotta tell you Jeff, I read your update every week! I think it is great that you are losing weight, and doing it the right way! Good diet and excersize kills the fad diets and you are proving that. Keep up the awesome work!

