Friday, April 15, 2011

04/15/2011 Week 26... Its halftime and were down by 50!

Its week 26, The halfway mark! I cant believe it has been 6 months since I started my journey. It has gone by so fast. So here's the recap:

It was mid October and I had just gotten back from Disney World and saw my vacation photos. I decided that things needed to change and fast. I started on weight watchers and set a goal to lose 100 pounds in 1 year, or 52 weeks. I need to average 1.92 pounds of weight loss each week to hit my goal of 100 pounds in a year. I thought it was a reachable goal, and wasn't too aggressive. So it began...

In the last 6 months I have changed a few things up. I am no longer on weight watchers. I have been following the plan and just counting calories. No points, no weird calculations, just easy math. I use the livestrong app on my iphone to track my calories. Its pretty easy, the hard part is not eating the bad stuff! I have not been doing a lot of working out either. Due to knee problems my physical activity has been down, so it has really just been diet for the most part. I am hoping to get started back at the gym within the next few weeks and really get into a strength training program. Its time to firm up and start getting stronger. I think that's when the real body transformations will happen.

Weight recap:

Starting weight: 290 lbs
26 week goal: 240lbs
52 week goal: 190lbs

My current weight: 240.0 , I did it! I hit 50 pounds lost at the halfway mark! 50% to my goal and I feel great!

I wanted to thank all of you for your support and encouragement. It has really helped me and kept me accountable to keep a weekly blog. I have often felt like having lazy days and just giving up at times, but I KNEW I had to write my weekly report and I didn't want to have to report I gained weight or gave up. I just didn't want to let you guys down, or myself. As I said in my first post. I am a great started but have always had trouble finishing. I want to finish! Thanks for keeping me accountable.

All right guys. Its time to get back to business! I need to lose 1.92 this week and keep pace. There is only 26 weeks left, and I know there gonna fly!

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