Friday, July 22, 2011

07/22/2011 Week 40 Updated 30 day pics

Its week 40 and I have 12 weeks to go to hit my year mark. I'm not stopping there, but that will signal the end of my initial goal period to lose 100 pounds in a year. Regardless of the final 1 year weigh in I will still continue my journey until I hit my end goals and get my body to look and feel how I want it to. I'm in this thing for life!

So last week I reported my 30 day numbers. I didn't have my photos ready to post, but I have taken them and had a friend put them side by side so you could do a real comparison. I will post the photo at the bottom of this post. These are not "before" pics as far as when I started my weight loss, but they are photos of when I started my strength training. I had already lost 60 pounds in the pics on the left.

So on to the numbers for the week. I started the week at 227.2 and I ended the week at 227.0 So only a minimal weight loss. I can attribute that to several things. From the photo you will see I am reshaping my body, so by adding muscle I am not going to "net" as much of a loss as before. I also was taking a supplement (N.O. Explode, BSN Labs) that had creatine monohydrate, that type of creatine makes you retain water and therefore you retain water weight, which can effect the scale. I switched supplements (NeuroCore, MuscleTech) this week to something that has creatine hydrochloride, which does not make you retain water, however it will take at least a week for the water I retained to exit my body. So maybe next week I will see a difference. So after that lengthy explanation I am down 63 pounds after 40 weeks, that is an average of 1.395 lbs a week, which is almost a half pound off what I needed to average a week to lose 100 pounds for the year. I am very hopeful that I can come of this plateau soon and that the supplement change will help. I am lifting 4-5 days a week and doing 4-5 cardio sessions a week, so eventually something has to give. Quitting is not an option, so I will keep working and hope for the best!

I appreciate all the support, there is so much sacrifice and dedication that goes into this endeavor. 5:30am strength training, evening cardio, and strict adherence to a nutrition regimen. There are days I want to eat like 100 cheeseburgers, but I don't, and wont. So thanks for help keeping me accountable to myself! Til next week!

Pic on the left: June 15th 230lbs
Pic on the right: July 18th 228 lbs

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